This is our selection of hotels in Cork City and County.
You can browse through our selection of hotels or you can search for all available hotels in County Cork on your choice of dates.
There are great deals and discounts to be had by planning your trip ahead and booking well in advance.
There are 3 star, 4 star and 5 star hotels available and almost every town in the county has a number of good hotels.
Cork City has the majority of the hotels and many of the hotel chains are represented but there are also some very good independent hotels in the city. has 26 hotels listed in Cork City and a total of 83 in the county.

Radisson BLU Hotel ****
The Radisson BLU is one of the hotels in Little Island Cork where you can expect a degree of luxury and service which is hard to find elsewhere in Cork. This four star Cork hotel is located just 10 minutes’ drive from [Continue reading…]