There is an abundance of good quality Bed and Breakfast in Cork City and County. This is our selection of the best B&B throughout the county.
Bed and breakfast is usually much cheaper than hotel accommodation.
Many B&Bs in Cork offer accommodation which is as good as many hotels and visitors who do not need bars, gyms or fancy restaurants may find that Bed and Breakfast is a suitable option. B&Bs can range from family homes to purpose-built accommodation. Breakfast is an essential feature of B&B and some will serve evening meals on request.
If you can’t find a suitableCork Bed and Breakfast in our selections, please use the Search Cork Accommodation on the right to find all the available B&Bs

River’s Edge B&B Glengarriff
River’s Edge is a luxury Glengarriff Bed and Breakfast which has achieved a perfect 10/10 score in reviews by customers of and 5/5 on TripAdvisor. High praise from commenters include “My room was spotless and cosy and the breakfast was delicious! [Continue reading…]